
Donate to our charity verified Venmo account, @WasatchBackcountryAlliance


Make a one-time, monthly, or annual contribution to WBA. Donations can be made with credit card or PayPal account.


Pay to the order of:
Wasatch Backcountry Alliance

and mail to:
640 S 600 E 
Salt Lake City, UT 84102



Support our mission to advocate for and protect backcountry terrain and access in the Central Wasatch. Your membership will fund current and future projects, while connecting you with fellow community members at social gatherings.

Brand Partnership

Show the community you care about protecting the backcountry. To learn about how your brand or business can support WBA, please contact our director, Dani Poirier

1% for the planet

1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet connects environmental partners (WBA) with businesses or individuals who pledge to give 1% of their sales to environmental nonprofits each year. This program enables WBA to connect with businesses that support human-powered winter recreation in the Central Wasatch Mountains.

WBA Merch

Show you care and wear the WBA logo! We have shirts, hoodies, hats, skin wax, prints, and totes. The gear makes a great gift for your touring partners, friends, and family. All gear is available in exchange for donations.

NO GONDOLA yard signs

If you hike, bike, ski, photograph, or enjoy water from the Wasatch (where almost all water in Salt Lake County comes from), please join in the effort to stop Interconnect. A $5 minimum donation to cover sign costs is appreciated.


Thanks to our current members and community partners for supporting WBA! If you have a skillset or service you are willing to donate, email us to learn how you can contribute.

Financial Partners

Grant Partners

Community Partners

Local businesses and individuals who have made in-kind contributions.

Hudson PrintingHowie Garber Images
Brad Hogan Fisher Brewing Co.
Resonance Printing SolutionsMary Dunford
John SigmondGrant Kates Photography
Salt Ski ServicePatagonia Outlet – SLC
Black DiamondKuhl
Voile Mfg. REI – Millcreek