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CWNCRA Comments – December 2020
While the Wasatch Backcountry Alliance is pleased with some elements of the re-drafted Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act, there are also some…
CWC Mountain Transportation System – October 2020
For years now, the Wasatch Backcountry Alliance (WBA) has been stating that we envision a low cost, low emission, energy efficient year-round multi-modal transportation scenario…
Concerns with Legislative Maps Submitted as Part of CWNCRA
WBA WWA Letter Highlighting Concerns with Legislative Maps
CWNCRA Maps Pose Possible Threat To Wasatch Backcountry
Wasatch Backcountry Alliance has been working hard on several critical concerns to the backcountry community. While we have supported the Mountain Accord process, in July…
Mountain Accord & the CWNCRA legislation
September 13, 2016 – It’s been some time since we provided a member update and we want to let you know what our view is…