Member Meeting 2020

2 minutes


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Snowboarder slaying low angle powder through quakies somewhere in the central Wasatch but most likely Mill D North Fork.

Hello Wasatch Backcountry Supporters!

Now that the mountains (and valley) are dressed in snow, the excitement for ski season is full on! With this welcoming of winter, we typically hold our annual WBA member meeting. We will be hosting this year’s meeting virtually to bring you up to speed on all proposals impacting the Wasatch Mountains. 

Please tune into our virtual member meeting on Wednesday, November 18th from 7-8:30pm on Zoom or Instagram Live.

To Join the Zoom Meeting:
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 5131 7729

To view on Instagram Live:

The goal of this meeting is to keep you in the loop about current proposals regarding access, transportation, and terrain in the Wasatch. Here is the list of topics we will discuss: 

  • Alta/parking 
  • Update on CWC’s proposed NCRA legislation 
  • Interconnect specific threat/Grizzly Gulch 
  • Update on legislation 
  • Millcreek Canyon 
  • WWA’s Ski Kind campaign 
  • Spruces parking – possible expansion
  • TH counter + FS project summary 
  • Cardiff canyon update 
  • Virtual BCFF February 4-15
  • Other resources for new bc users
  • Q & A

We’ve heard whispers of the backcountry blowing up this season with newcomers. Let’s do our best to maintain a level of order in addition to safety and friendliness. Along those lines, if you know anyone who is new to the backcountry, please share this meeting link with them. While the thought of more people in the backcountry might make you cringe, hopefully this equates to more people standing up to protect and preserve backcountry terrain in the Wasatch. Decisions regarding the future of the Wasatch Mountains are incredibly complex. As such, we welcome new users to get in the know by becoming a WBA member. 

Keep up the snow dances. They’re working. ๐ŸŒจโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿคž

Cheers to a great season! 
Wasatch Backcountry Alliance

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