Your Voice Matters! Help Protect Backcountry in the Wasatch

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Greetings Wasatch Backcountry Alliance!

In eight months since we organized, we are now over 1200 members strong! We would like to thank you for the support, and to give a huge shout out to those individuals and local businesses that have donated treasure and talents to the cause. Your contributions go a long way because Wasatch Backcountry Alliance operates entirely on a volunteer basis. 100% of your monetary contributions go towards achieving our goal to provide a unified voice for the human-powered winter backcountry community in the central Wasatch.

One step toward achieving this goal is to collect data to count the number of [backcountry] users and to determine the economic impact that undeveloped recreation areas within the central Wasatch contribute to our community. The data collection will be a two-phase study and we are excited to announce that phase-one, a backcountry user survey was sent to our members on April 28, 2014. The survey was e-mailed directly to you from the University of Utah research team.

Please look for the e-mail from the research team and take the time to fill out the survey, your input is invaluable in this process! Bear in mind that the study is not a “user conflict” questionnaire but rather a data collection process to determine the economic and quality of life contributions the Central Wasatch provides to its surrounding communities.
The survey results will be used to help make decisions for the future of the Wasatch within the Mountain Accord process. Your voice matters, so please take this opportunity to speak up and be heard by participating in the survey. Thank You!

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